Today title is Just About Today. Not going to talk about yesterday or tomorrow. Just going to talk about today. Haha!! kind of weird for me saying all that.
I finally pick up some courage and sms her again. Asking her out for a meal around her birthday. Seriously simply a small treat from me to her. I didn't expect she will call me. When I see her name appearing on my phone, I was shocked at the first sight but then, I was nervous of picking the phone up. It been awhile since I hear her voice. Felt delighted, happy and was smiling all the way today. I even have the patient to teach my colleague new things. She still brighten up my day!!
It was a short conversation. I was trying to act cool but I was smiling all the way in the conversation. She wanted to tell me that she is free and not free during that time. She have project deadline during that time. Some of the things she talk about, I seriously do not understand. I believe is jy giving out information. Came to realize that she read my blog. Was worry and felt sad too.
My mother prepared something for the family today. A new dish. It taste nice. Superciliously good. Most likely is because she called me. Of cause higher percentage is on my mother culinary skills.
The fact is, I am living well now. Still, think of you sometime. About things we done and place we been to. I seldom share my worries to others but temper a lot. I do not speak about myself to anyone. For example, my birthday. Friends that had known me for years should know but new friends, keep asking around for my birthday. They alway try to guess but none of them guess correctly. My manager keep pestering me to re-activate my FaceBook account. I was trying to keep thing thought on suspend for awhile longer but maybe the day will draw nearer soon.