Inner self(Bad): Jing Xian, Jing Xian, you are a dumb ass. Still want to ask your friend is it good if you buy a message lolly with a bear on it for her. Really!! You are stupid. How much you try to cover or repay, it is done for. You are nothing to her but just memories. If you continue to do that, you will get yourself into trouble. You will really lose a friend.
Inner Self(Good): Jing Xian, you are not trying to forget her. You are pushing your luck. You still think that you have a high chance of getting her back. Trying to plan a way to win her heart back. Do you know how much people around you are worry of you? Stop trying to do things like this. You don't stand a chance anymore. Seriously, please turn around and walk. Nothing behind you is sweet.
Myself: The both of you know me the best. You know what am i thinking. You speak the true but I just want to try. I actually want to post something like "I think you are really made for me". In the end, I didn't when I found out that thing. I cannot suppress myself of not thinking and stalking at her. I know true is painful. I still cannot accept it. I promise to move on. Things around me trying to tell me not to let go even it takes me to lose other important things.
Inner Self(Bad): So now, do you think you are moving on? You come out with a lot of logic to hide your own thinking and plans. You know why? Because you know it will never come true. Drop the hope of winning her heart back, stop thinking she will go out with you alone and stop trying to do anything for her. HEY!! What with the watery eye? You told me you will stop crying since then.
Inner Self(Good): She already told you that she already give up on the previous relationship, how you treat her and all. She won't go out with you as she don't want you to give you wrong idea. She trying to live her life to the fullest without you around. No matter how free she is, she won't ask if you are free to go out with her. You will never be first on her mind anymore. Anything you give her, she will just treat it as a memories. No other meaning to it. You know she will read the blog and you really try to say something on how you feel and think she will comfort you in some way. Jing Xian, You are wrong!!! You will be a burden to her in the near future. She will treat you as a pest. Step out of it.
Myself: Just let me do what I want. I am a lost sheep now.